Bullfrog Power - Who Is NOBODY?

A Grade 2 student decided to give NOBODY as few lessons about the environment.Read how one student taught NOBODY about being green by using Bullfrog Power!

Bullfrog Power - Who Is NOBODY?“My son’s Grade 2 class started a ‘Who’s Nobody’ project: make Nobody a Somebody by showing Nobody how to be a good person. Each student gets to take Nobody home for a week. My son was the first to get Nobody and (with my daughter’s enthusiastic help) immediately started to teach Nobody about being green.

He really spent a lot of time teaching Nobody about Bullfrog Power. We were sad to see Nobody and his pet dog go, but we gave Nobody one of our Bullfrog Power pins, a clothesline peg, and scarf to keep warm. Thanks to Bullfrog Power for helping us to green Nobody! ”

The Short Family
Bullfrog Founders Club

This article was published in the BullFrog Power News on March 1st 2009